
If you believe you have been a victim of an assault by a police officer, you have the right to take legal action against the officer and the police force. Here’s some of the questions you should ask yourself:

  • Did police use physical force against you?
  • At the time were the police acting in the execution of their duties?
  • If so, was that force unnecessary, unreasonable or disproportionate in the circumstances?
  • Did you sustain any injuries?
  • Did the assault happen within the last 3 years as this is the time limit for any claim?

If you can answer yes to each of these questions then you may be able to take action against the police and claim compensation.

We can all more or less instinctively tell when the police are entitled to use force (and if so to what extent) in any given situation.

It’s important to try to gather as much evidence as possible to support your claim. This can include photographs, videos, witness statements, medical records, and any other relevant documentation.

If your assessment was that the police should not have used force in your case, or that they used excessive force, then you may well have a claim for assault and should contact us to discuss.