Summary Proceedings

If you are charged with an offence and advised that the case is going to be dealt with by your Commanding Officer then please ring Alex Rynn or any one of our specialist Military Law solicitors.

You should be given at least 48 hours between the paperwork being given to you and your hearing taking place. Alex or any of our other leading Military Law lawyers will be happy to review the papers, advise you on the relevant law, likely sentence and most importantly discuss the pros and cons of electing Court Martial should you wish to contest the charge.

Summary Appeals

If you’ve been either found guilty, sentenced or both by your Commanding Officer and you are unhappy with the outcome of the case then please let us know on 07495855122. Alex Rynn will advise you on completing the correct paperwork to apply to the Summary Appeal Court and represent you in these proceedings under the Legal Aid scheme.

Your rights if you’ve been charged with an offence

If you are facing a legal issue with the Military Police, they may advise you to take a military lawyer to represent you in order to speed up the process. However, you may prefer to have an independent solicitor with experience in Military Law to ensure that your rights and interests are fully protected. Ultimately, the decision is yours, and you have the right to insist that one of our leading Military Law specialists represent you and provide you with the reassurance and support you need during this difficult time.