Offence against the person

In criminal law, the term offence against the person or crime against the person usually refers to a crime which is committed by direct physical harm or force being applied to another person.


It is the severity of harm, including psychological harm, which determines whether the offence will be ABH or GBH. ABH can be surmised as harm which may affect the health or comfort of the victim.


Assault does not require any actual physical contact to lead to a conviction, therefore it is important to get in touch with a lawyer as soon as you are faced with an allegation of Assault.


A person is guilty of affray if they use or threaten unlawful violence towards another and so causes a reasonable person to fear for their personal safety.

Dangerous dogs

MK Law has a vast experience in this specialised area of Law. We regularly act on cases of this nature and are able to offer expert advice in dealing with Dangerous Dogs cases.

Riot and violent disorder

Violent and Riot Disorder are charges under the Public Order Act and occur where there is use of violence and/or intimidation by individuals or groups.


Kidnapping or false imprisonment are both offences that involve the unlawful and intentional or detention of an individual against their will.