What is dissemination or encouragement of Terrorism?

These can generally be related to the offence of Stirring Up Racial Hatred. To be found guilty the prosecution must prove that a person has published or distributed written material which is threatening, abusive or insulting. There must be either an intention to stir up racial hatred or reasonable expectation that it will.

If the prosecution don’t prove that a defendant intended to stir up racial hatred (i.e. that it was simply that racial hatred was likely to be stirred up by distributing the material), it is a defence to prove that the defendant was not aware of its content and did not suspect, and had no reason to suspect, that it was threatening, abusive or insulting.

The prosecution must prove that a person has:

  • distributed or circulated a terrorist publication;
  • given, sold or lent such a publication;
  • offered such a publication for sale or loan;
  • provided a service to others that enables them to obtain, read, listen to or look at such a publication, or to acquire it by means of a gift, sale or loan;
  • transmitted the contents of such a publication electronically; or
  • had such a publication in his possession with a view to its becoming the subject of conduct set out above.


At the time of doing so, the person:

  • intended an effect of his conduct to be a direct or indirect encouragement or other inducement to the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism; OR
  • intended an effect of his conduct to be the provision of assistance in the commission or preparation of such acts; OR
  • was reckless as to whether his conduct encouraged or assisted such acts.

Dissemination of Terrorist material definitions

What is a terrorist publication

Something can be seen as a terrorist publication if the matter contained in it is likely:

  1. To be understood by a reasonable person as a direct or indirect encouragement or other inducement, to some or all of the persons to whom it is or may become available as a result of that conduct, to the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism; or
  2. To be useful in the commission or preparation of such acts and to be understood, by some or all of those persons, as contained in the publication, or made available to them, wholly or mainly for the purpose of being so useful to them.

What is classified as ‘Written material’

‘Written material’ includes any sign or other visible representation. ‘Publication or distribution’ of written material means publication or distribution to the public or a section of the public. The prosecution have to prove that the material was generally accessible, available to, placed before or offered to the public or a section of the public.

 What is racial hatred

Under s.17 of the Public Order Act 1986, ‘racial hatred’ means hatred against a group of persons defined by reference to colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins.

What are the sentencing guidelines for dissemination of terrorist materials

The sentencing guidelines can range from a high level community order right up to 14 years imprisonment. This will depend on both the category of the charge and the defendants culpability. The higher the Category and Culpability the higher the sentence. Someone with Category 1 and Culpability Level A will have a starting point of 10 years whereas someone with a Cat 3, Level C will have a starting point of 1 year.

Categories and Culpability

There are three categories

1 – Category 1

  • Evidence that others have acted on or been assisted by the encouragement to carry out activities endangering life
  • Statement or publication provides instruction for specific terrorist activity endangering life

2 – Category 2

  • Evidence that others have acted on or been assisted by the encouragement to carry out activities not endangering life
  • Statement or publication provides non-specific content encouraging support for terrorist activity endangering life
  • Statement or publication provides instruction for specific terrorist activity not endangering life

3 – Category 3

  • Statement or publication provides non-specific content encouraging support for terrorist activity not endangering life
  • Other cases where characteristics for categories 1 or 2 are not present

A – Culpability Level A

  • Offender in position of trust, authority or influence and abuses their position to encourage others
  • Intended to encourage others to engage in any form of terrorist activity
  • Intended to provide assistance to others to engage in terrorist activity

B – Culpability Level B

  • Reckless as to whether others would be encouraged or assisted to engage in terrorist activity and published statement/disseminated publication widely to a large or targeted audience (if via social media this can include both open or closed groups)

C – Culpability Level C

  • Other cases where characteristics for categories A or B are not present