What is Handling stolen goods?

Handling stolen goods is when a person has taken possession of stolen goods. What’s more this can be possession with intent to sell on or just to own.

A person can be found guilty if they know the goods are stolen. This can also be the case if they help in the continued possession, disposal, or transferral of the goods for the benefit of another person.

The individual’s understanding of the goods holds significance in situations like this. What’s more when prosecuting cases the following aspects are considered:

  • Whether the goods were still considered ‘stolen’ at the time of handling then indicates they hadn’t been returned to the original owner.
  • Whether the individual was cognisant of the fact that the goods were stolen.

Sentencing guidelines

Deciding the sentencing can hinge on various factors, encompassing the level of culpability and the financial implications or harm caused by the crime.

The court evaluates the financial impact by examining:

  • The monetary value of the goods involved.
  • The extent of harm inflicted upon the victim.

Penalties for handling stolen goods offenses vary, ranging from a maximum of 14 years in custody to fines  or a discharge.

The court bases its decision on fines and penalties on the categories in which the crime falls, considering factors such as culpability and financial value.


What should you do if you’ve been charged for handling stolen goods?

If you or a family member are accused of handling stolen goods and you’ve been detained you should seek legal advice immediately. It is also vital that you receive the best advice possible and provide as much detail of the facts of your case as you can to ensure the right result for you.