Weapon offences

These can cover a wide range of charges where an individual has possession of offensive weapons. These will include anything involving firearms, knives, other offensive weapons and corrosive substances like acid. They are generally covered by the Offensive Weapons Act 2019 or the Firearms Act 1968.

Firearms offences

Firearms offences range from having an imitation firearm in a public space through to possession of a firearm with the intentions to endanger life

Dissemination of Terrorist material

These can generally be related to the offence of stirring up racial hatred. There must be either an intention or reasonable expectation that it will.

Corrosive substances

A corrosive substance is defined as any substance that is capable of burning human skin by corrosion.

Terrorism offences

Terrorism offences are the use or threat made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause.

Offensive weapons/Bladed articles

The two main offences under the Offensive Weapons Act are the possession of a bladed article and possession of an offensive weapon.