The Appalling State of UK Prisons: A Crisis IgnoredThe Times and other major news outlets recently published damning reports on the shocking conditions in UK prisons. The situation…Read Article
Justice Denied: the unfair sentencing of a vulnerable motherAt MK Law, we are deeply disappointed with the Court of Appeal’s decision to uphold the immediate custodial sentence imposed…Read Article
What to Do If Your Child is Arrested or Questioned by Police: A Practical Guide for ParentsRecent events in the news have shed light on how the criminal justice system handles youth crime, especially during incidents…Read Article
Prison overcrowding and prisoner early releasePrison overcrowding has been a major focus in recent times. However, much of the publicity has concentrated on the effect…Read Article
New Law Targets Zombie Knives and Machetes with Upcoming BanA new law is set to make it illegal to own certain types of zombie knives and machetes in the…Read Article
Client Acquitted on Multiple ChargesWe are pleased to confirm that Terisa Chaudary, in collaboration with Nathan Toms from 5SAH, has secured a not guilty…Read Article
Political betting controversyA man walks into a betting shop or uses a gambling website and places a £100 bet on the date…Read Article
Automated Vehicles – The Future Has ArrivedThe Automated Vehicles Act 2024 was passed into law on May 20, 2024. This means over the coming months and…Read Article
What happens when you’ve been released under investigationOnce you have been arrested and interviewed under caution, the police have a number of options. They may place a…Read Article
The blessing and the curse of section 38 appointments for defendants with complex needsWe recently defended in a section 2 stalking trial at Bromley MC where the firm were appointed to cross-examine the…Read Article