Mandarin speaking solicitor

We are pleased to announce that not only do we have a Mandarin speaking solicitor, but our website can also be translated into Mandarin Chinese.

Harry Martin is an experienced Solicitor Advocate in our team who regularly represents clients in the Magistrates’ Court and the Crown Court. No matter the circumstances of the case, he always works extremely hard to deliver the best results for our clients.

Translating our site into Chinese is simple. Just go to the top right of the screen, find the Languages menu, and use the scroll bar to select Chinese.

If you are looking for a Mandarin speaking criminal lawyer, please call us at 0208 692 2694 or use the online form below.

Photo by Timothy Wolff



我们团队的韩马鼎Harry Martin)是一位刑事送辩律师 (Criminal Solicitor Advocate)。他拥有丰富的刑事法律经验, 而且他经常在裁判法院(Magistrates Court)和皇室法院(Crown Court)代表客户。不管案件的情况怎么样,他每次竭尽全力地保障他客户的权益。


如果您寻找一位会说汉语的刑事律师,请拨打 0208 692 2694 或使用下面的在线表格联系我们。