Alison Marks

Solicitor Advocate

Alison Marks

Solicitor Advocate

Alison is a Solicitor Advocate with extensive experience in representing clients accused of serious and organised crime.

Alison Marks – biography

She appears regularly at both magistrates’ and Crown Courts. She is lauded for her wealth of experience in the preparation of complex defence cases. These include large-scale fraud, drug trafficking, confiscation, homicide, serious sexual offences, kidnap and robbery.

Alison has also developed expertise defending clients accused of causing non-accidental injury to babies (including baby shaking cases).

She’s a senior panel member of the Legal Aid Authority Peer Review Panel in the category of crime. Added to that she is also the secretary of the London Criminal Courts Association (LCCSA).

Alison Marks
Solicitor Advocate
07483 034 298
Solicitor since: 2010


Just some of Alison’s reviews

Some of Alison’s notable cases

The prosecution offered no evidence at trial for offences of indecent images, purportedly found on our client’s phone. MKL commissioned a  digital forensic expert report that concluded that the material had been wrongly attributed to our client due to cross-contamination,  resulting in an acquittal for our client – R v RF

A multi-handed trial for conspiracy to supply class A drugs. Following representations and persistent requests for disclosure, the prosecution offered no evidence at trial against our client only – R v MRA

Defended youth in multi-handed murder by shooting with counsel James Scobie KC Garden Court chambers – R v KM

Defendant in uxoricide case with mental health defence, with Bernard Richmond KC Lamb Building – R v AA

Acquittal secured in a multi-handed conspiracy to supply class A drugs, with Alex Rynn of MK law – R v MR

Secured acquittal secured after trial in historic sexual child abuse, with Tom Wainright Garden Court chambers – R v VP

Acquittals secured

Acquittal secured after trial in a knife point robbery multi-handed, with James Hasslacher MK Law – R v GY

Secured acquittal in a false imprisonment knife point robbery with Siobhan Molloy 15 New Bridge St – R v AF

Defended the main defendant in Operation Spenser, a multi-agency prosecution of an extremely complex commercial-scale identity fraud spanning 20 years – R v RN

Prosecuted by BIS for failure to notify as bankrupt the sum of over £1 million, following a fine imposed by FSA for an allegation of insider share dealing. Complex issues in the case involved the use offshore family trusts. Acquitted on main charges – R v SE

High-profile homicide involving beheading. The client was found not guilty by reason of insanity – R v NS

Secured an acquittal for client charged with gang related murder, where the case hinged on facial analysis evidence and supporting cell site evidence – R v MD

Alison Marks

Solicitor Advocate /
Military Law Specialist