Antoine DaCosta
Antoine joined MK Law in November 2009 as an office junior. His dedication and steadfast work ethic has seen him rise to the ranks of the firm.
Antoine DaCosta – biography
Antoine was one of MK Law’s first hires and he has grown as quickly as the company has. Without a legal background he has grown in confidence and now has a wealth of knowledge about how the Criminal justice system.
He thrives on the energy surrounding challenging cases and the atmosphere of positivity in the office when justice is served. Antoine enjoys a daily sense of satisfaction by fulfilling his ambition of working in the heart of the world of criminal law.
Calm detailed and logical, Antoine’s skills and vigour are highly respected by the wider team. Antoine is now responsible for the preparation and management of all aspects of Criminal legal aid billing.
Antoine DaCosta
Billing Manager
0203 794 5727
With MK Law since: Nov 2009