Francesca Hallett

Consultant Barrister

Francesca Hallett

Consultant Barrister

Francesca Hallett joined MK Law in 2018 after training as a solicitor. She practiced criminal defence during her training, covering Crown Court trials including rape, child grooming and drugs supply.

Francesca Hallett – biography

Francesca is duty accredited and is an accredited police station representative and gained her Higher Rights of Audience in June 2020. Approachable, patient and ambitious, she prides herself on client care and especially enjoys the advocacy aspect of her role.

Francesca Hallett
Consultant Barrister
07484 023 028
Solicitor since: Sep 2016
With MK Law since: Jul 2018


Just some of Francesca’s reviews

Some of Francesca’s notable cases

Acquittal of defendant charged with handling numerous high value bicycles stolen during the Covid pandemic. R v JG

Defendant acquittal at the Central Criminal Court for conspiracy with six others to transfer a firearm and ammunition. All were acquitted unanimously. Francesca was led by Puneet Grewal of 3 Temple Gardens. R v KB

Acquittal of defendant charged with possession of 3 knives, involving issues of forensics and identification by police officers. R v D

More cases

Successful ‘half time’ argument at Woolwich Crown Court which resulted in the acquittal of a defendant charged with a commercial burglary. R v DG

This involved a 2-day hearing at Woolwich Crown Court regarding cannabis growth. Specifically yield potentials and optimal growing conditions. The Judge found in the defendant’s favour and was sentenced to 2 year suspended prison sentence. R v JW

Successful ‘unjust’ argument at the Central Criminal Court secured the defendant a 12-month community order. This was for breach of 3 separate suspended prison sentences. R v ZJ

The Crown offered no evidence at Croydon Crown Court after careful consideration of the Crown’s CCTV. It found that the serious offence the defendant was charged with had not been made out in law. R v EW

Success at Woolwich Crown Court for the acceptance of a plea to a lesser charge regarding a large amount of Class A drugs. This was after establishing significant failings in the police investigation. R v CB

Successful appeal against sentence at Maidstone, reducing the client’s sentence from 12 months immediate custody to 4 months. We and suspending the same for 18 months, resulting in his release from prison. R v RA