Common Assault
This is the standard definition of Assault?
Assaults on Emergency Workers and Public Servants
This happens when the assault takes place against an Emergency worker, Public servant or someone providing a public service. Although the same burden of proof for Assault applies the sentencing guidelines can be different.
Actual Bodily Harm (ABH)
This where minor injury is caused to the victim such as grazes and scratches. You can find out more about ABH here.
Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH)
This is where serious injury has been caused to the victim. You can find out more about GBH here.
Assault with intent to resist arrest
This happens when it takes place in the process of trying to resist arrest. Although the same burden of proof for Assault applies the sentencing guidelines can be different.
Hate related assaults
This happens when it is motivated by Race, Religion or Sexual orientation . Although the same burden of proof for Assault applies the sentencing guidelines can be different.
Throwing corrosive fluid on a person
This occurs when it is caused by throwing any corrosive fluid … with intent … to burn, maim, disfigure or disable any person. A guilty verdict can be reached whether the fluid touches the intended victim or not.