List of crimes

From this page you can find more detailed information about a number of different crimes. On each page you’ll find definitions on the crime, sentencing guidelines and advice on what you should do if you’ve been charged with the offence.

ABH – actual bodily harm

Affray – use or threatening unlawful violence towards a person

Arson – deliberate setting of fire to property

Assault – does not necessarily need any physical contact

Bladed Articles – involving a bladed article often falling under offensive weapon

Bribery – the act of offering, giving, receiving or soliciting an item for influence

Burglary – the act of illegal entry with the intent to commit crime

Corporate Fraud – fraud on the corporate arena

Corrosive Substances – any substance that is capable of burning

Criminal Damage – deliberate destruction or damage to a piece of property

Dangerous Dogs – offences relating to dangerous dogs cases

Dangerous Driving – driving on a road or public place in a dangerous manner

Death by Dangerous Driving – when a person dies as a result of dangerous driving

Dissemination of Terrorism Material – generally related to stirring up racial hatred

Domestic Violence – abuse that occurs in the same family or relationship

Drink Driving – being caught driving whilst over the drink limit

Drug Driving – being caught driving whilst under the influence of drugs

Drug Importation – participating in the importation of an illegal drug

Drug Possession – the simple possession of an illegal drug

Drug Production – the participation in the production of an illegal drug

False Instrument – relating to producing fraud or fake products

Firearms Offences – range from having an imitation to intention to endanger life

Fraud – encompassing a wide range of offences relating to fraud

GBH – grevous bodily harm amounting to serious harm

General Driving Offences – covers all general driving offences

Handling Stolen Goods – the handling of stolen goods

Harassment – when a person engages in persistent behaviour that induces fear

Historic Sex Crimes – sexual offences with a historic element to it

Indecent Images – covering the making of indecent images both distribution & possession

Kidnapping – unlawfully taking away of a person

Manslaughter – unlawful killing without intent

Money Laundering – the illegal movement of money

Murder – the act of taking someone’s life

Offensive Weapons – offences involving any form of offensive weapon

Possession With Intent to Supply – or PWITS

Rape – unlawful sexual intercourse or sexual penetration

Riot & Violent Disorder – charges under the Public Order Act

Robbery – the use of threat or force during a theft

Sexual Assault – offences relating to sexual assault

Speeding – driving over the legal speed limit

Stalking & Harassment – when a person engages in persistent behaviour that induces fear

Terrorism offences – wide range of terrorism related offences

Theft – the most common of the ‘dishonesty offences’

Violent Disorder – charges under the Public Order Act